The Mama School has always had a very vibrant, dynamic and studious Student Body. From the academic point of view, our students have obtained excellent results. The first batch for Matriculation was sent in 1920 to the Bombay University and Miss Dina R Dotiwalla stood First Class First in the province of Sind among the girl students. The matriculation results used to be cent percent every alternate year since 1920 and from 1950 the school has been getting cent percent results ever since. Indeed it is a proud and enviable record for which our congratulations go to our children as well as their teachers.
With the inception of the Cambridge System of Education, our results have not only been cent per cent with a high number of As, but since the past couple of years, our girls have been breaking and holding records of gaining the highest marks in certain subjects not only amongst candidates all over Karachi, but also throughout Pakistan, and in fact in Mathematics amongst candidates all over the world appearing in the GCE O Level Examinations conducted by the University of Cambridge.
Our children have not lagged behind in co-curricular activities. The stamp of The Mama School is firmly embossed on a variety of Literary, Art and Dramatic Activities, Sports, Excursions and Outings, The Red Crescent, The Girl Guides and The Mama Cadets Groups. Through a lot of such Inter-Class, Inter-House and Inter-School Competitions, incorporated with our Behaviour and Cleanliness Sections of The Students’ Council, our children are given an all-round training in all spheres of life. For, it has always been the aim of the School that when a Mamaian leaves the portals of her Alma Mater, a well-balanced, ‘good human being’ is sent forth into the world – a future mother or a career woman who will hopefully do her bit for the progress of her nation.